Plant Medicine

Unexpected Blessings

She prefers to open her flowers in the morning and evening when it's cooler   I'm a creative gardener.  That's what I call it anyway.  I've got a live and let live mentality with most of the plants in my gardens, and I do my best to plant [...]

Skullcap Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Embodiment, Rest, Relaxation, Calm, Fidelity, Well-being, Harmony, Intuition When You Connect with Skullcap it means: It's important to stay present in your physical form, even when you are traveling in the realms. Your psychic gift and ability to connect with Spirit is amplifying at this time and your crown [...]

Moss Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Softness, Patience, Humility, Connection, Wealth, Faeries, Mothering, Shadow When You Connect with Moss it means: If there is an idea or dream you want to grow into fruition at this time, keep it close to your heart and don't tell others about it until you feel ready. Magic is [...]

Kava Kava Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Relaxation, Opening, Trust, Joviality, Social, Ceremony, Community, Consciousness When You Connect with Kava Kava it means: It's time to let down your guard with others so that you can more deeply connect with community. You are entering into a time of expanding consciousness where you'll feel your connection to [...]

Rosemary Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Memory, Cleansing, Embodiment, Faithfulness, Movement, Warmth, Magic, Healing When You Connect with Rosemary it means: Memories may rise to the surface now, allowing you to revisit and heal any old wounds or challenges. A new romantic love interest could be on their way. It's time to fully appreciate and [...]

Wormwood Spirit Medicine

Wormwood Keywords: Visions, Astral Projection, Dreams, Bitterness, Divination, Protection, Gut When You Connect with Wormwood it means: You will soon receive relief from the petty little irritations that have been overwhelming you. Your ability to travel through the realms is opening up now and things could feel a [...]

Madrone (Arbutus) Tree Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Knowledge, Rebirth, Sun, Fire, Shapeshifter, Depth, Ancient, Nourishment When You Connect with Madrone it means: Regularly let go of any emotional baggage that is impeding your growth. Keep your face toward the light and you will find your way, and your strength. Be prepared for twists and turns on [...]

Joshua Tree Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Perseverance, Resilience, Patience, Individuality, Non-attachment, Maturity When You Connect with Joshua Tree it means: Remain true to who you are, your true nature and how you prefer to do things. Slow down, take your time and do not rush into anything right now. This is a lean time for [...]

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