
Andean New Year

August 1st is the Andean New Year, celebrated in Peru. Pachamama's birthday and a day of complete reset for everyone. It's a wonderful time to take some personal meditation space and unhook, from everything, and reset your energy. In the Andean tradition, you unhook from everything and recapitulate your life, [...]

Mountain Freedom

When I sit on top of a mountain, overlooking sweeping vistas and communing with pristine nature, I feel free.  Making offerings and being in ritual expands my sense of internal freedom and my connection with Earth, and all beings. I’m deeply grateful that I have the freedom to drive up [...]

Setting Up Your Personal Mesa

An altar, or mesa, is an extension of you.  The medicine pieces, the sacred tools (artes), how they work together on the altar and where they are placed, is an expression of you and your gifts and how you work in the world with your medicine. One incarnation of [...]

Ceremony with the Mayan Elders

Photo By: Bloom Post In ceremony with the Mayan Elders, they found it strange that anyone thought the world was going to end. They laughed and said, “Where is the rising of the 2nd sun or the 3 days of darkness? Not here.” […]

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