Animal Medicine

Robin Medicine

After the yard guys mowed my yard the other day, I looked out the window and wondered why they had left a small strip of it un-mowed.  It was very obvious and quite high compared to the newly mowed grass.  Then I remembered. A week or two before I had [...]

House Fly To Freedom

I saved a fly’s life today.  A large house fly had come in the open back door and just could not figure out how to get back outside for a whole day and night.  When I found him (or her) the next morning, he had slowed down enough for me [...]

Condor Medicine

I'm working intentionally with Condor as a teacher right now.  This is deep and powerful medicine, very ancient energy.  In the Andes of Peru, condor is closely connected with the mountain Spirits.  Here is a brief write-up on the totemic information connected with Condor. California Condor Condor Medicine [...]

Black Widow Spider Medicine

The other night I dreamed of huge spider webs draped between branches, taller than me and very wide. When I accidentally bumped into one of the branches which shook the web, lots of large Black Widow Spiders starting coming out, showing themselves. After seeing a Black Widow in a pile [...]

Mourning Dove Medicine

This morning I found a dead mourning dove in my yard, near where I feed the birds. Another dove was close by, waiting. I understand circle of life and all that, but it made me sad to see the other dove sitting so close to its dead companion without leaving, [...]

An afternoon with crows

A beautiful day to spend time in the forest. Walking the trail and sitting in the sunshine with a baby tree just beginning its growth. The crows were very busy, talkative and present with me today. Grateful for their wisdom, their auspicious appearances during the afternoon, and the signs and [...]

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