I’m working intentionally with Condor as a teacher right now. This is deep and powerful medicine, very ancient energy. In the Andes of Peru, condor is closely connected with the mountain Spirits. Here is a brief write-up on the totemic information connected with Condor.

California Condor
Condor Medicine ~
If Condor shows up it means:
In spite of dire circumstances you find yourself in or this losses you’ve sustained, you’ll eventually find the gifts in this experience that may not be immediately apparent.
It’s time to clean up the clutter or messes that you find around you.
Develop new and creative solutions to those problems that you or others would prefer to ignore.
You’ll find that your tastes, cravings, and possibly your entire diet will soon change, so pay close attention to your body’s response when you eat certain foods.
You need to take all those material items that no longer serve a purpose and either recycle them or get rid of them.
Call on Condor When:
You’re in the midst of a crisis, one that requires you to remain calm and adjust your thinking to accept the situation as it is before moving on to a solution.
You’ve lost someone in your life through death and want to contact their spirit on the other side.
You see yourself as having disadvantages and want to reframe your perceptions and beliefs to see them as assets.
You feel as if you’re in a mess emotionally, physically, or spiritually and want to clean things up.
If Condor is your Power Animal:
You have the unique ability to make the best of a bad situation and find the rewards that result.
You’re a somber and serious individual most of the time.
You’re willing to take on distasteful tasks that others are unwilling to do.
You have the gift of mediumship, whether you’ve developed it or not, and can communicate with deceased loved ones and ancestors.
Because of your unusual appearance and your metaphysical gifts, others don’t understand you and may irrationally fear you, so they tend to keep their distance.
From ‘Animal Sprits Guides’ by Steven D. Farmer