Plant Medicine

Ash Tree Spirit Medicine

Ash Tree Keywords: Magic, Sorcery, Healing, Enchantment, Celestial realms, Expansion, Growth When You Connect with the Ash Tree it means: Your life is going to expand to great heights as well as great depths, so breathe deep and enjoy the journey. Psychic energies are increasing for you now [...]

Tree of Heaven Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Resilience, Boundaries, Movement, Transitory, Attachments, Travel When You Connect with Tree of Heaven it means: You are being called to focus on self-love, and stop seeking approval from others. Create clear and obvious boundaries with anyone and anything that does not support your highest good. Be aware of any [...]

Palm Tree Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Flexibility, Sensuality, Sun, Androgyny, Fertility, Warmth, Resurrection, Unification, Vacation When You Connect with Palm it means: It's important to be flexible in all situations right now in order to ride out any storms or unexpected challenges. You are preparing for, or are in the middle of a shamanic rebirth, [...]

Redwood Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Ancient wisdom, Elder energy, Sacred counsel, Connection, Community, Resilience, Mission When You Connect with Redwood it means: Your psychic sensitives and spiritual vision are amplifying at this time. It is time to focus on your mission, your calling in this life, and begin to bring it into manifestation. Connect [...]

Nasturtium Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Abundance, Loyalty, Victory in battle, Strength, Groundedness, Courage, Resiliency When You Connect with Nasturtium it means: Abundance is preparing to flow into your life at this time. Whatever internal or external battles you have been experiencing, you are on the verge of overcoming them and emerging victorious. It's important [...]

Black Nightshade Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Understanding, Compassion, Self-Worth, Misunderstood, Positive Body Image, Femininity, Motherhood When You Connect with Black Nightshade it means: Time to fully enjoy your physical form and find deep appreciation for your body. Make time for sensual and sexual pleasures. The energy of birth is coming into your life, through a [...]

Yarrow Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Warrior, Courage, Love, Divination, Protection, Exorcism, Durable When You Connect with Yarrow it means: Whatever challenges or difficult experiences you have been having, there will soon be a break in the intensity and things will lighten up. You are always protected, despite how things might seem. Be conscious of [...]

Oak Tree Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Strength, Endurance, Stability, Success, Protection, Wisdom, Nobility, Courage, Power, Lightening When You Connect with Oak Tree it means: Trust yourself, because you have the inner strength and wisdom to get you through whatever is coming your way at this time. When you stand tall in your personal power, you [...]

Echinacea Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Strength, Immunity, Protection, Transitions, Autonomy, Community, Health, Patience When You Connect with Echinacea it means: You will soon be experiencing some big shifts that will create a powerful transition time for you. Whatever has been holding you back is about to let go, so prepare yourself for this change. [...]

Prunella ~ Self Heal Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Healing, Multi-faceted, Giving, Abundant, Grounded, Expansive, Overflowing, Affirming When You Connect with Prunella it means: You are going to experience a deep and powerful overall healing, especially the healing of core emotional wounds. It is time to speak your truth, let your voice be heard and open your throat [...]


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