nasturtium-orange-and-yellowKeywords: Abundance, Loyalty, Victory in battle, Strength, Groundedness, Courage, Resiliency

When You Connect with Nasturtium it means:

Abundance is preparing to flow into your life at this time.

Whatever internal or external battles you have been experiencing, you are on the verge of overcoming them and emerging victorious.

It’s important to stay grounded and present at this time, in order to fully receive all that is flowing your way.

Stop overthinking and relax. Bring all that head energy into your heart and balance.

Now is a good time to start new projects as they will grow quickly and easily.

Setting Intentions with Nasturtium:

Think outside the box when it comes to receiving support.

Focus your loyalty on causes that are inclusive and empowering to everyone.

Sit on the Earth and ground your energy by sending energetic roots, like a tree, deep into the Earth and coming more fully into your body.

Meditate, meditate, meditate. And then meditate some more.

Sit in the sun and relax. All is taken care of.

If Nasturtium is a Totem for you:

Your sense of smell is highly developed and scents can bring back long-lost memories for you.

When you set out on any kind of conquest, you tend to have no issue being victorious.

Though you have the heart of a warrior, you are also very nurturing, offering all of yourself in service to others.

You are able to make the most of even challenging situations and find support in unlikely places.

Over-thinking and monkey-mind can be challenges for you, so it’s important to stay grounded in order to better focus your energy.

From the book, Plant Spirit Totems by Bloom Post.

Plant Spirit Totems will be published in September, 2017.

Copyrighted 2017. Use only with permission of author.