
My First Visit to the Jungle

My first visit to the jungle of Peru and my first tree dieta, which was done in town.  I learned quickly that this is not the best way to be in dieta, as it is important to truly be alone with the jungle and medicine trees.  My relationship with the [...]


I’m interested in working with those who have fire in their eyes. I’m interested in teaching those who are hungry for learning. Showing up fully committed is powerful, and I want to empower and support those who are truly showing up for themselves and their transformation. Half-ass is so incredibly [...]

You Are Magic

  What is your magic? Do you realize that you are a magical being? Do you know what you are capable of and the personal Power that you carry within? I mean it. These are not rhetorical questions. Where is your magic? Have you forgotten how magical you are? Magic [...]

Events Events Events!

Hello dear ones! I'm really excited that events are opening up, bringing more opportunities for us to gather together in sacred circle! My August newsletter is full of upcoming offerings, including a shamanic training in Little Rock, Arkansas, and a Cacao Medicine Ceremony in Atlanta, GA. I used to travel a [...]

Narcissism & Healing

You don't have to be a psychiatrist or trained as a counselor to recognize that narcissism is rampant in our culture, with many leaders and famous people exhibiting classic examples of extreme narcissism without any concern for their behavior. I've been learning a lot lately about narcissistic personality disorder as [...]

Peru Travel Photos

Me in the tree that the hummingbirds just love Fell in love with this lil guy while in Peru. 2 different colored eyes on this sweet boy. Easy to fall in love with lots of animals in Cusco. Peruvian animals are very self-sufficient and often [...]

Blessed Imbolc

Blessed Imbolc dear ones as we celebrate the returning of the light while we are still in the throes of deep winter. This is a sacred time of stillness, just before the dawn of Spring.  Much like early morning, when you can feel yourself waking up yet want to savor [...]

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