
26 07, 2019

Andean New Year

Ritual, Teachings|

August 1st is the Andean New Year, celebrated in Peru. Pachamama's birthday and a day of complete reset for everyone. It's a wonderful time to take some personal meditation space and unhook, from everything, and reset your energy. In the Andean tradition, you unhook from everything and recapitulate your life, [...]

26 07, 2019

End of Life Thoughts

Mentorship, Musings|

In our most recent online Shamanic Mentorship session, we explored our theme for the month:  Freedom, while diving into the work of looking at our own death, and the freedom that comes from going back into the Oneness. It's not always an easy conversation to have, discussing our mortality and [...]

2 07, 2019

Mountain Freedom

Musings, Ritual|

When I sit on top of a mountain, overlooking sweeping vistas and communing with pristine nature, I feel free.  Making offerings and being in ritual expands my sense of internal freedom and my connection with Earth, and all beings. I’m deeply grateful that I have the freedom to drive up [...]

27 04, 2019

May: Spring Shamanic Retreat

Mentorship, Teachings|

We had such a great time at our recent Shamanic Mentorship Retreat in the beautiful mountains near Asheville.  The experiences we have each month online, as well as in retreat, are so far beyond "shamanism" and it's hard to put into words just what happens in this transformational work.  It's [...]

14 04, 2019

Channeled Writing from Aug. 2018

Channeled Writings|

8-19-18 There is change coming.  You already feel it, but it is not what you think it is. These things happening on your planet are not the change you wish for or the change you feel.  This movement is totally different then the story that plays out within your world. [...]

12 04, 2019

My First Visit to the Jungle


My first visit to the jungle of Peru and my first tree dieta, which was done in town.  I learned quickly that this is not the best way to be in dieta, as it is important to truly be alone with the jungle and medicine trees.  My relationship with the [...]

10 04, 2019



I’m interested in working with those who have fire in their eyes. I’m interested in teaching those who are hungry for learning. Showing up fully committed is powerful, and I want to empower and support those who are truly showing up for themselves and their transformation. Half-ass is so incredibly [...]

26 02, 2019

You Are Magic


  What is your magic? Do you realize that you are a magical being? Do you know what you are capable of and the personal Power that you carry within? I mean it. These are not rhetorical questions. Where is your magic? Have you forgotten how magical you are? Magic [...]

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