
Your words create your world.

In the beginning was the word.  The word flows from the breath.  The breath creates the sounds that you use as words.  Your breath is key, it is foundational to your life.  Breathing deep and filling your entire body with breath is vital for everything else.

Sounds are moved by breath.  Sounds that create words that form belief structures are how you are writing your world.  You are creating programs with your words, instilling within yourself what you believe and then seeing that play out and manifest in your 3D experience.

Even words that you do not speak, that simply go through your mind, are creating your world.  Your thoughts are writing your story.  Meditation is a powerful way to still your mind and be present with your thoughts so that you can be clear about what you choose to create.

There is no need to get anxious or fearful about this.  It is totally fine to have random thoughts that may not feel good to you.  It isn’t going to bring down an avalanche if you say or think something negative.  At the same time, thinking and speaking tends to become a habit for your kind, because you are not fully present to each word or thought.  Therefore, you often speak without thinking and without understanding the energy you are creating in the world.

You often think without any awareness that you are thinking, and let those thoughts simply run the programs without recognize what you are doing.  This is how you end up in situations that you are not wanting to create.

It is a practice.  It is a daily practice that you must choose to be attuned to in order to wake up.

It is easier than you realize and also harder than it seems.  We understand this.  Be easy with yourself and give yourself time.

In your world it is much easier to simply go on auto-pilot, as you call it, and not bring full awareness to your words, thoughts and actions.  It is acceptable to behave in this manner and no one would even know the difference because most everyone works this way.  It could seem odd to be incredibly intentional and focused on your thoughts and words before moving forward with anything.  It isn’t the way of your world.  Your world is fast fast fast go go go, speak before you think, do as much as you can without awareness.  This is a misunderstanding that is based in fear and anxiety.

When you develop a practice of slowing down your mind and your actions, then you will begin to see the different layers of what is happening in your world.  There is so much more going on than most of you will ever realize because your mind is going so fast and there is so much to distract you.  It is wise to take time to slow down, in every possible way, and allow things to fully engage, truly sink in and be embodied.  This creates depth and wisdom.