This is a channeled writing that came through as I was asking Guides about the idea of discipline, especially as it relates to disciplining children.  After receiving this transmission, I find that this wisdom can relate to all forms of discipline, including self-discipline when we want to accomplish something, and how we treat ourselves in order to experience healthy motivation.

From Guides:Mother & Child painting

Showing up feels different than discipline.

The ability to “show up” for others, and be present to them in the moment, comes from receiving instead of pushing.   Then, from that held energy, you can act.

Discipline comes from forcing an energy that is not in alignment with the person pushing it.  When we can truly show up, for ourselves, there is such a deep self-love that happens, and our children and others learn from Love.  We all learn from love.  Discipline comes from fear.  Showing up fully comes from love.

Most humans learned from discipline, so they believe and have been told that discipline is love.  It is not.  It stems from control, which comes from fear.

It feels hard and draining to most humans to truly show up for themselves and others, including for their children, because it is not something they have been taught or had the opportunity to regularly practice.  So, instead, humans pass on this idea of discipline, which is out of alignment, and they try to force things.  This is draining.

This idea of discipline equals love is a misunderstanding that has been passed down and perpetuated and it all stems from fear.

Align with love and allow yourselves to receive the unconditional support of Source/Oneness so you can embody that vibration and then hold it for yourself.  Then it is held for others automatically and vibrationally, without the need to force or push or control.  This inspires true self=love, and then you can truly love others and teach from love.

The great martial artists know that there is never a need for aggression.  Someone who is truly showing up fully is in alignment with love, and then even the most subtle movement can dissuade aggression.  Full expansion into remembering yourself as love means there is Child hugging Momnothing for aggression to attack.  Like shooting an arrow into water.  There is nothing for it to attach to, or cling to, and no way to truly hurt the person who is showing up for themselves in love.

You have misunderstood this for so long that entire belief systems and cultures have been built around fear and pushing against.  This could be your undoing if it continues.  You must be willing to let go of beliefs and ideas that you have carried simply because you never questioned them.  And the beliefs that you have questioned, let go of those, too.

Just for a moment, try life without all those beliefs and rules and ideas and your need to understand and your need to be right.

When humans focus on love instead of fear, they open up to not needing to be right…they let go of their fear of being wrong, which is a form of control.  Humans think they are safer when they feel in control.

Can you let go of that for a moment and play with what it feels like to let go?  To listen — truly — from a place of not knowing anything?

Can you play with the idea that everything you believe does not even exist, and see what that opens up for you?

Can you let your sacred imagination show you realms and possibilities and ideas you have never seen before?

Can you allow yourself to receive unconditional love from Source energy without needing to understand it or create ideas about it or write stories around it?

Can you allow yourself to dissolve into energy of pure love and relax?