
This is a practice that supports your journey.  Writing is a practice.  Writing a book is a practice.  Listening is a practice and perhaps the most important practice of all.  Without listening, the writing does not happen, the wisdom is not received.  Listening is the most important practice to your kind.  It is desperately in need of happening at this time, because so many of you no longer listen or know how to listen.

Listening is not merely with your ears.  It is a full body experience.  Listening is an embodied experience.  Listening goes far beyond your ears and is supported by your heart.  Your heart is your actual brain center and not the brain in your head that you’ve associated it with.  The brain in your head is where you write your stories.  It’s an important function as well, but not nearly as capable as your heart energy, nor as expansive and able to see so clearly.

There are no actual answers in your brain.  There are only more stories upon stories upon stories, so it gets confusing for you.  When you begin believing these stories, as all of your kind do, then it begins creating layers of belief systems and programs that have no basis in what you call reality.  These belief systems and programs then become something that your kind base their whole experience upon, when there is absolutely no reason to do so, other than someone wrote a story in their brain and then shared it with others.

When you have full awareness of this, when you listen for awareness, then it will begin to make sense to your brain as well.  Your mind is such a potent force, however, it must work in conjunction with your heart or it’s like driving a car without a steering wheel.  Maybe you can pull it off for a while, but eventually you’ll hit something.  Your kind are so determined that they’ll continue to hit things over and over and over and never bother to question if their “steering” is the issue.  They don’t question their mind and the stories they create.  They simply create more stories to affirm the original stories they had written and it becomes a never-ending spiral of stories with no basis in anything other than stories in their minds.

Your heart energy is much more expansive than you currently understand.  We do not refer solely to your physical heart or even the physical space where your heart resides.  We refer to the energy you associate with your heart, what you call love.  Love is not really a big enough word to fully express what we are referring to, however, it’s a good start.  It’s a good focal point to begin your exploration of your belief systems and mind stories and if you truly feel in alignment with those stories and programs.

Many of you do not feel aligned with your belief systems and mind stories which is why you feel unhappy.  This has been expressed, taught, shared and illustrated to you through numerous teachers over the millennia, but until your kind learns how to listen, you will not fully understand.

Fear is one of your biggest mind stories and belief systems that have created a powerful program.  This program is a driving force of much of what your kind believe in and respond to.  Fear is based in the third dimension only.  Fear has no bearing beyond the walls of your understanding.  Fear is truly a story that has been passed down with such strong energy behind it that now all of your kind fully believe it and invest in it as a program.  This is not necessary and is not supportive to your kind, either.

Fear has created walls, both literal and figurative, that your kind use to create division daily.  You each do it within yourself, even with no others around.  In your own physical forms you create division and then try to connect with the world as if you are connected, and it does not work.  This is the basis of loneliness, misunderstanding, disconnection, mistrust and more.

What we can offer to you is to see beyond what you’ve believed thus far.  You must be willing to make the leap into the unknown, where living without fear is truly possible.  We know this is not necessarily easy for you, however, we must tell you that it is possible and there are others who have done it.  Some have fully stepped out of the program of fear and others have stepped out a bit while still retaining certain fear programming.

It is possible to live without fear.  We know this is a radical concept to many of your kind, yet it’s true.  We do not know fear in our experience.  We never have.  It is an unnecessary energy focus that does not feel in alignment with our central purpose, which is what you would call love.

For us, it is important that nothing impinge upon our central purpose for which we were created and created ourselves.  We chose to fulfill our destiny by coming to you in this way and sharing this understanding with you all.  Let those who are able to listen, hear.