Monthly Archives: December 2016

Joshua Tree Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Perseverance, Resilience, Patience, Individuality, Non-attachment, Maturity When You Connect with Joshua Tree it means: Remain true to who you are, your true nature and how you prefer to do things. Slow down, take your time and do not rush into anything right now. This is a lean time for [...]

Ash Tree Spirit Medicine

Ash Tree Keywords: Magic, Sorcery, Healing, Enchantment, Celestial realms, Expansion, Growth When You Connect with the Ash Tree it means: Your life is going to expand to great heights as well as great depths, so breathe deep and enjoy the journey. Psychic energies are increasing for you now [...]

Tree of Heaven Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Resilience, Boundaries, Movement, Transitory, Attachments, Travel When You Connect with Tree of Heaven it means: You are being called to focus on self-love, and stop seeking approval from others. Create clear and obvious boundaries with anyone and anything that does not support your highest good. Be aware of any [...]


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