Plant Medicine

Iris Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Rainbow, Death, Transition, Femininity, Perception, Sensuality, Transformation When You Connect with Iris it means: Your psychic abilities are expanding at this time. Allow all of your true colors to shine and be expressed. You are in the process of a transition that might feel like a death, but it's [...]

Trillium Spirit Medicine

Ground level view of forest Trilliums in spring bloom. Keywords: Trinity, Easy-going, Patience, Longevity, Fragility, Community, Birth, Forest magic When You Connect with Trillium it means: Be patient with yourself and allow all the time you need to fully embody your gifts and expressive maturity. You feel at [...]

Milk Thistle Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Boundaries, Strength, Detox, Cleansing, Protection, Courage, Durability, Healing, Aggression When You Connect with Milk Thistle it means: Set clear and healthy boundaries with others. This is a good time for a detox to improve your health. Be easy on yourself and others and watch your temper. You have many [...]

Buttercup Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Cheer, Sweetness, Children, Humility, Joy, Abundance, Faeries, Vision When You Connect with Buttercup it means: Share your gifts with others. Connect with children and your inner child intentionally. Remember to be humble with your bountiful gifts while also allowing yourself to shine bright and not hide your light. Sing [...]

Rose Spirit Medicine

Keywords: Love, Beauty, Desire, Passion, Boundaries, Faithfulness, Balance When you connect with Rose it means: This is a potent time to open your heart, be gentle with yourself and others, and allow yourself to fully receive love that is around you. It is good to have healthy boundaries, but be [...]

Succulent Medicine

Succulents have been popping up in my life, energetically and literally, for weeks now.  I have a student who keeps talking about them and purchasing them for her home.  Friends on Facebook keep posting photos of them.  Clients have commented on the beautiful jade plants growing in my house.  I [...]

Dandelions In Winter

With Christmas weekend temps in the 70s, the plants and trees are feeling the call to bud and begin the process of what we recognize as Spring growth here in the Appalachian mountains. I had a moment of concern for the plants, that perhaps this winter warmth would confuse their [...]

Be Willing To Look Foolish

Once, when I was in sacred plant ceremony with Ayahuasca, I was having an intense experience and yet was still acutely aware of everyone around me.  I could see that some were watching what I was doing, having no idea what it meant. When I realized everyone could see me [...]


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