Succulents have been popping up in my life, energetically and literally, for weeks now.  I have a student who keeps talking about them and purchasing them for her home.  Friends on Facebook keep posting photos of them.  Clients have commented on the beautiful jade plants growing in my house.  I even recently began cuttings from jade plants I’ve been growing for a number of years, in order to start growing new plants.  (See photo with the new babies in the rabbit pots).

Larger succulent was a gift from a client about 3 years ago, with new cuttings in front, and guardian angel candle lit.

Larger succulent was a gift from a client about 3 years ago, with new cuttings in front, and guardian angel candle lit.

Succulents are hardy plants that remind us of our strength.  The word “succulent” comes from the Latin word sucus, meaning juice, or sap.  They store water in their leave sand stems and this supports them in surviving in an eco-system where water is not readily available.  They are strengthened by drier climates that might seem incredibly harsh to other plants that need more nourishment.  Succulents remind us of our inner strength, our reserves, our ability to dig deep within ourselves and sustain ourselves with all that we have received.  We have the inner understanding, awareness and ability when things get rough.

These beautiful plants also remind us that it is good to take our time, grow slowly sometimes, and rest when need be.  No rush at all with these lovely beings.

I’ve been told that jade, specifically, is a plant medicine connected with prosperity.  The green color associated with emeralds and the leaves shaped like coins.  They can also support in luck and good friendship.  When a leaf falls off of the jade, it is considered lucky if it falls into soil as it is able to easily reseed itself and begin growing a new plant where it lands.