Keywords: Cheer, Sweetness, Children, Humility, Joy, Abundance, Faeries, Vision


When You Connect with Buttercup it means:

Share your gifts with others.

Connect with children and your inner child intentionally.

Remember to be humble with your bountiful gifts while also allowing yourself to shine bright and not hide your light.

Sing and allow your voice to bring medicine to you and others, even if you are the only person who hears you sing.

Though you do not need a lot of attention to thrive, it’s ok to ask for support and nourishment.

Setting Intentions with Buttercup:

Invoke the abundance that is always available to you.

Call in your childhood energy and the energy of children in your life to fully appreciate what they bring.

Connect with the magic of faeries.

Create a balance of humility while also being willing to spread your light.

Ask that your inner vision expand to the fullest capability you can walk in at this time.


If Buttercup is a Totem for you:

You are a cheery person who easily uplifts others.

It’s not necessary for you to be the center of attention, and people appreciate when you are present.

You are warm and inviting.

Abundance is readily available to you and easily shared.

You have an appreciation for children and also a gift to connect with them.

You carry deep magic and inner vision that guides your way.

Your voice and singing is very healing for yourself and others.

From “Plant Spirit Totems” by Bloom Post (to be published Winter 2016).  Copyrighted, use only with permission of author.