Monthly Archives: March 2015

Every Day Is Magic!

As we are in beautiful Spring Equinox, New Moon, Solar eclipse energies, I feel grateful to be surrounded by community that honors the changing of seasons and shifting of energies, as well as the medicine of Father Sun and Mother Moon. At the same time, I also speak to people [...]

The Gift in Resistance

That Thing That Just Won’t Shift Ever wonder why you can’t seem to create changes even though you’ve been working on them forever? Are you frustrated that you can see the issue but can’t seem to see the answer? Or maybe you already know the answer but still can’t seem [...]

Embrace The Winter and Get Your Chill Hours

Thank goodness Spring is finally here! Yea for warm weather! No more winter! This is what I keep hearing from others in these early days of March, as we journey through the final weeks of winter and into the energies of the Spring Equinox.  It seems that we forget how [...]

Word For The Year ~ A Journey in Vulnerability

Vulnerability is my word for the year.  2015 is the year I invoke vulnerability.  2015 is the year I embody the essence, the depth, the power and grace of vulnerability and truly learn what it means to allow myself to be vulnerable. Or at least I sure hope so.  Do [...]


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