pushing-boulderThat Thing That Just Won’t Shift

Ever wonder why you can’t seem to create changes even though you’ve been working on them forever? Are you frustrated that you can see the issue but can’t seem to see the answer? Or maybe you already know the answer but still can’t seem to manifest the changes?

Resistance. You know all about resistance.

It just makes things harder.

What you resist persists.

Resistance is futile…

but is it really?

What if resistance is a friend, not a foe?

What if resistance is a teacher and not an enemy?

What if you can shift your relationship with resistance in order to create more flow and clarity in your life?

The Rabbit Hole of Resistance

The irony of resistance is that we resist the resistance and then we end up in this loop of resistance energy and then we end up resisting all sorts of things without even realizing it and then by the time we figure it out we can’t seem to unravel how to get to the core and make the changes you are seeking to make in the first place.

See what I mean? Even just writing that was confusing. It becomes this spiral of resistance energy, like a thread unraveling that you can’t seem to figure out how to stop it and shift the habit.

Resistance comes up for a reason, and it has its own good medicine and lessons to teach us. Sometimes when we resist, we unknowingly create more time to sit with a situation in order to learn how to heal and get stronger within ourselves. Sometimes resistance comes up so we will be forced, oops, I mean encouraged, to reach out for support. Otherwise, we may never get to the place where we learn to receive help. Sometimes resistance comes up because it is truly not time for things to shift. There are still lessons to be learned that we would miss if we did not sit in that experience a bit longer, and ultimately that is supportive to us even if it doesn’t feel good at the time.zen-stones-300x271

How To Open the Flow

It’s simple. Embrace resistance. Love resistance. Tell resistance thank you and offer it the respect it deserves.

Yep. Just like that. And then breathe, relax and let things shift.

Take a moment to sit quietly and don’t think about the thing or the issue or the person that you feel resistant to. Stop focusing on what you are resisting and focus on your heart. Find that core place in your heart so you can remember the vibration of Love, deeply within yourself.

Visualize in your sacred imagination the energy of resistance. It can look like anything. It might be a big monster, or a small child or a blob of goo. Whatever you see is perfect. Ask the resistance what it needs, from your heart, and truly listen and feel for an answer. Let the resistance tell you what it needs from its own experience.

And I’ll give you an easy hint: 100% of the time, that resistance needs your Love. It needs to be heard and received and appreciated and just Loved. Just like you need that too. Resistance knows what you need and resistance needs it also.

So, take time to journey with resistance and show it some Love, give it a big hug and thank it for the gifts it is bringing. As you do this, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that resistance will transmute and transform into something much more gentle and flowing and supportive to you.

Then you and resistance can begin the journey of friendship, which is a powerful journey indeed.