
Vulnerability is my word for the year.  2015 is the year I invoke vulnerability.  2015 is the year I embody the essence, the depth, the power and grace of vulnerability and truly learn what it means to allow myself to be vulnerable.

Or at least I sure hope so.  Do I sound convincing?  (How’s that for a vulnerable beginning?)

In the past, I had not worked with the idea of a word for the year.  I had done all sorts of things like writing intentions, lighting candles, being in ritual to honor the changing of the seasons.  But aligning my heart with one single word that would inform the entirety of my new year was not something I had truly considered.

Even when I heard, quite clearly, the word Vulnerability as the word I would be resonant with this year, I had a moment of wondering if I was limiting myself by only having one word as my compass for a whole year.  Then I thought about it.  Vulnerability.

Honestly, I could not think of anything scarier, more challenging or that could push me out of my comfort zone more than truly being vulnerable.  And not just vulnerable with my dog, or my inner circle of friends, but truly letting my whole life be more open, authentic, honest and vulnerable.  This would require courage and trust, and I seriously was not sure if I had what it takes to spend a whole year focusing on being vulnerable.  That’s when I realized it was definitely not limiting to have this be my word for the year.  It was a challenge that made me feel vulnerable, so it was already working, and it felt great! and scary.  And awesome!  and nerve-wracking.  And totally worth it! and what am I thinking?  So, I decided to go for it, and let vulnerability be my guide during the year of 2015.

It’s now March and I’m still living and working with this idea of vulnerability.  I’m reminding myself often that it is time to allow myself to be vulnerable, especially when I don’t want to.  I have made new decisions based on being vulnerable.  I have started new projects based on stepping into vulnerability.  I have had conversations with people that I may have just avoided in the past, because it felt important to be vulnerable with them.  I have opened up to my students in ways I had not before.  I have started numerous conversations this year with the sentence, “In the spirit of vulnerability, I’d like to share . . .”

Some Amazing Thivulnerability 1ngs About Vulnerability

It is the most freedom you will quite possibly ever experience.  When you allow yourself to be seen, to be authentic, to speak your truth or to hold your tongue, to let your inner child help guide you, share your inner most feelings, open up in a way that would have not happened before, tell others how you really feel, truly live from a loving, gentle place, it is the most amazing, wonderful, expansive feeling ever!

Choosing to be vulnerable has empowered me to be more courageous, more trusting and more open with my feelings, which in turn is empowering me to feel more deeply.  I am more present to my daily experiences, and more compassionate in daily encounters.  Vulnerability is teaching me to share from my heart and be more open to feedback.  I’m more creative now that I’m being more vulnerable.  I’m writing blogs again because it feels vulnerable to me to do so, which means it is powerful for me to write.  I’m seeing more clearly the things that had frightened me in the past, and why they were scary to me, and am now able to be with them with willingness, softness and courage in order to move through those fears and come out on the other side in strength and joy.

Some Not So Amazing Things About Vulnerability

It can really be a bummer when others are not as open and authentic and vulnerable.  It can hurt when people don’t receive or appreciate your heartfelt openness.  Your inner child can get their feelings hurt when they feel like they aren’t being appreciated for being themselves.  But ya know what?  That is part of being vulnerable.   That is the crux of it all.  Only when you are willing to do what others may not be doing, allow yourself to hold your vulnerable heart-space amidst the faces covered in masks, only then do you really feel what it is to be vulnerable.  If everyone was doing it, it probably wouldn’t feel like vulnerability.

And just imagine the day when we are all living from that authentic, heart-centered, vulnerable space.  Wow!  That is pure magic!

How do we manifest that magic?  By choosing to be vulnerable now, to be authentic, to share our hearts and show others how freeing it is to be living from Love.  This path will be an honest walk through your shadows too.  It doesn’t suddenly mean that your life is a perfect bubble of bliss.  However, it does mean that you can navigate from your heart, make your decisions from Love, and change your life in all the ways you have been seeking.  It does mean that you will be more present and therefore more able to handle what comes your way, even if it is unexpected, and see it all as part of the journey of your destiny.  Walk the path that may not have signposts and light the way for others to see.  Your courage is a beacon in the night for them to follow and find their own path of liberation.

Practices For Being Vulnerable and Opening Up Your Life to Love

Connect with your inner child.  Sit quietly and imagine your inner child (at any age) with you.  Sitting together, listen to him or her and ask them what they really need.  Let them tell you from their little child hearts and listen from your heart.  Hug them, listen to them, ask their opinion and also give them what they need.  It may be as simple as letting them help you choose what to wear today, or journaling, or drawing, or skipping rocks.  As you let your inner child express themself, you are able to open up to your authentic vulnerability and full expression.  Your inner child knows what your Soul really wants.  Listen to them.  They have wonderful ideas and they believe in you.  They need you to believe in them, too.

Find a couple of friends who will allow you to be vulnerable with them, and who you trust to hold you in this practice.  Let them know you are opening up in a new way and seeking their support to do so.  Share with them from your heart, from your tender places, and allow yourself to be seen, received and held in this experience.  If they are willing, you can do the same for them.  Openness and vulnerability can be wonderfully contagious.

Do something new.  Do something that makes you a little nervous.  Watch yourself succeed at it, even if it’s painting a picture or telling a total stranger that you think they are beautiful.  Allow yourself these little victories of vulnerability and get used to how amazing it feels.  Keep doing this until you have the courage to take even bigger leaps into the beautiful unknown vulnerable places.  Watch how the Universe will rise up to meet you as you do so.

In the spirit of vulnerability, I share this with you.  In the spirit of vulnerability, I share that it is not always easy and yes I, too, have really shitty days.  In the spirit of vulnerability, I wish that everyone could just get on board with the idea of truly living from Love and stop all the madness that I see in the world.  In the spirit of vulnerability, I share that I truly do believe in Love, in the transformation of our species, in the triumph of the human spirit to walk in grace and beauty and truly care for each other.  In the spirit of vulnerability, I invoke compassion for myself when I am less than loving, and I ask forgiveness from all whom I have hurt when I was not open and authentic and living from my heart.  In the spirit of vulnerability, I choose Love.