Hi everyone!  Blessed Solstice to you!

I am very excited for the new updates to my website.  I am now able to blog regularly and share with you all on a regular basis, and I intend to do just that!

If there are things you’d like me to share about regarding your shamanic journey and shamanic healing, just let me know and I will do my best to answer questions through this blog.

On the Resources page, be sure to listen to an interview I did recently with Dr. Bob Hanna, on his show Living Well, featured on ashevillefm.org.  It was a lot of fun to sit and chat with him about topics so near and dear to my heart.

Lots of amazing events are coming up this summer such as Cacao Ceremonies, Shamanic Usui Reiki Trainings, Medicina Healing & Activation Circles, and more. This Fall 2014 I will offer a Shamanic Training Intensive as well.   It’s such a blessing to share this medicine with others and I look forward to connecting with you all soon.

Many blessings and much love,DSC_0075
