Morning Glory

Morning Glory


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This sweet flower is a surprisingly shamanic plant and is supportive for activating your dreamtime and supporting your shamanic journeying; morning vibrance; get up and go attitude.

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This sweet flower is a surprisingly shamanic plant and is supportive for activating your dreamtime and shamanic journeying.  This essence is wonderful for bringing the fresh energy of morning into your energetic field, embodying a get-up-and-go attitude and clearing out dull, “hung over” feelings when you find it hard to get activated into the gift of life.

Morning Glory helps with insomnia and when your mind/body are over-active at night when it’s time to sleep.  Wonderful ancestral medicine that helps you to transmute karmic patterns in your family lineage while staying connected in a healthy way to your family.  With it’s heart-shaped leaves and thin vines climbing wherever it can get a hold, this plant is deceptively powerful.

Work intentionally with this flower essence to open your heart chakra and 3rd eye to connect more clearly with energies in the realms and shamanic journey more easily.  I found these beauties next to my home in a sweet little forested area, growing happily in a shady spot.

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