There is much fear in the world.  This is a program of misunderstanding.  As the misunderstanding spirals and grows, it circles in on itself in such a way that your kind ends up in an energetic whirlpool of this emotion.  It feels impossible to get out.  You have felt it spinning around you for your entire life, so it can feel like it’s simply normal and part of how things go.  We can assure you, it is not.

It is not necessary to live in a tornado of energy, constantly on the verge of chaos, or utterly in chaos, as many of your kind are in this moment.  It is not necessary to suffer in this way.  However, it is so ingrained in your kind that they balk at the mere idea of what we say.  They feel resistance to actually stepping out of this program and being happy, calm, peaceful.  It’s become so ingrained and expected that this chaos and fear is normal, that your kind will actually argue for why it’s not appropriate to feel happy and live a life of bliss.  It is incredible to watch this.  Your kind has an infinite capacity for manifesting into form whatever you believe to be true.

Your lives are more simple than you realize.  There is no danger as you cannot die.  Your kind have written stories about what death is and what suffering is and so you have that experience.  This is a good example of how powerful your abilities are, that you are able to write into manifested form what you believe to be true.

And just like you have manifested what you don’t want, you can also manifest what you do want.  It is a simple shift, a simple fix, but your kind feels so far away from it.  They do not see how easy it could be.  They are very programmed and attached to their programs of drama and chaos.

We understand.  We can see it all from an eagle-eye perspective, as you would say.  We can see the big picture and we know why you do this.  And from this big picture perspective we can also see what it takes to shift.

Awareness is key.  When your kind are open to awareness, able to truly listen, and willing to be wrong, so much will shift on your planet.

Allow yourselves to question all that you believe and all that you feel to be true.  As you do this, you may feel odd at first, yet you will experience such a profound freedom, ultimately.  Allowing that nothing is true or real as you have believed it to be up to this point, can have such a profound impact on your life and the world.  When your kind is open to this, then they become aware that there is so much more than what they have understood.  When your kind will allow for all possibilities, then anything will truly be possible, including peace on your planet.

We mean this.  We are being literal when we say that this can bring peace to your planet.  This is a huge shift for your kind, to truly open to all possibilities and allow for awareness.

The misunderstandings are from the beginning, and are so deeply embedded, that now the majority of your kind is living in programs and have no idea that they are programmed.  Thus, the challenge you see in waking them up.  This is also a program, wanting to wake them up, so let that go.  Let them be.  Let all be and see what flows to you.  When what flows to you is for you to support and shift, then you will know and all will be well.