
Change can happen at the speed of thought.  Each of you could totally shape your world with your intentions, if you were open to learning how.  And in truth, each of you is shaping your world, yet you are unconscious and not intentional about it, so you end up creating situations as if accidentally or simply going with the flow of whatever others are creating.

Not making a decision is in essence making a decision.  So, if you do not learn how to work with energy, move energy consciously and intentionally create your world, then others and the collective will do it for you (and with you) from an asleep place.  That is why your world is in chaos right now.  It is being steered by those asleep (which is really mostly all of you), while those who claim to understand intention and prayer have no idea how to actually do anything about changing things because they are so caught up in the drama of being unconscious.

Prayer is not giving your power away to something you perceive as larger than you.  Religions are programs.  Actually, religion is one program, that has many different branches, forms or stories, but it’s all one program.  This program is based on giving your power away and placing your personal responsibility in the hands of something greater than you, so that you are not responsible for your experience.  Thus, if things are hard you can blame it on something outside yourself; and if things are good, you can give credit to something outside yourself, but you are never truly grounded and happy within, because you are not fully embodying yourself as Creators.

When your kind actually embody yourselves as Creators, taking full responsibility for who you are and what you’re capable of (and what you’ve been creating up to this point), then you will be able to affect change without physical action.  This is true prayer.

Prayer as the powerful divine beings that you are is a potent thing that can be a game-changer.  But your kind is so asleep in the story and the program that you feel you need to “do” something.  Your kind doesn’t seem to learn from your past, though, where you have done plenty.  Lots of doing has happened up to this point and yet you end up in the same place over and over, just with more people and more ways to harm each other.  Your kind continues to not take personal responsibility and remember who you are, so you end up in this loop.

Where your planet is right now, is a loop that has been running for eons.  Your kind have simply quickened the pace of things, so that now it’s all happening faster and more intensely.  The same patterns are playing out over and over, and this all stems from the misunderstanding that you are not the Creators of your own world.

And you very much are the God, Goddess, Leader, Savior, whatever you choose to call it, that you have been waiting for.  Stop praying to some story in the sky that is made up in your heads and start praying into your own Soul to remember who you are and what you are here to do; how you can create peace and harmony on this planet through opening up to the possibilities of your divinity.  This is the only way your kind will save your planet.  Truly, the only way.

There is no one coming to save your planet.  There is no plan B and there is no movie ending where someone saves the day.  This is up to your kind waking up into their divine, luminous selves so that you can literally choose peace for your planet and see it done.

The anger, fear, judgment, over-thinking that stops this from happening, is all based in misunderstanding that is now believed to be truth.  We are here to tell you that you have it all wrong and if you want to save your planet, you must be willing to let go of everything you have believed in and walk a different way.  There is no one on your planet who has all the answers.  This is a group experience and a shared reality that is co-created by all of you.  So, if you choose to keep your planet and way of life alive, or even if you don’t, you will rise or fall together.

There are those who have understood what we share here and they have tried to awaken others, but the programs are so deeply ingrained that many of your kind can not see.  To deepen the unconscious experience, they believe they are enlightened or have it figured out, which is simply another program.  Enlightenment is just like religion, something to seek outside of yourself that will keep you distracted from your main objective, which is within.