
1 07, 2016

Belladonna ~ Deadly Nightshade Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine|

Keywords: Beautiful woman, Attraction, Death, Alternate Realities, Silence, Aphrodisiac, Memory, Sleep, Soothing, Witches, Astral Projection When You Connect with Belladonna it means: This is a time of transition and shifts that may make you feel ungrounded and unstable. Pay special attention to your dreams at this time, keeping a journal [...]

30 06, 2016

Chicory Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine|

Keywords: Invisibility, Devotion, Sunshine, Nourishment, Sturdiness, Unconditional Love, Self-Love, Mother When You Connect with Chicory it means: Keep your face to the light and all will be made clear. It is time to allow yourself to be seen for all your gifts and abilities, while also keeping healthy boundaries with [...]

27 06, 2016

Pink Lady’s Slipper Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine|

Keywords: Elder, Fairy Magic, Rare, Mysterious, Symbiosis, Sexuality, Calm, Mysterious, Patience, Soul Purpose When You Connect with Pink Lady's Slipper it means: You will soon gain more clarity on your true calling in order to fully embody your destiny, allowing you to integrate your spiritual journey with your daily life. [...]

24 06, 2016

Cleome Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine|

Keywords: Spider, Elopement, Lineage, Bitterness, Letting go, Expansion, Aloofness When You Connect with Cleome it means: Slow down in your relationships and allow the journey to take its time and create deep roots. Your ancestors are asking to connect with you and establish a personal relationship with your lineage. It [...]

23 06, 2016

Jasmine Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine|

Keywords: Sensuality, Beauty, Aromatic, Love, Aphrodisiac, Romance, Calm, Hope, Tropical, Night time, Moon When You Connect with Jasmine it means: Romance and love are coming into your life, either in a new relationship or in the revitalizing of a current romance. Your dreams are getting more powerful and possibly even [...]

20 06, 2016

Dahlia Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine|

Keywords: Shapeshifter, Elegance, Dignity, Diversity, Change, Vulnerability, Inner strength, Commitment When You Connect with Dahlia it means: Create clear and healthy boundaries in order to feel strong within your own physical and energetic space. Change is coming, so use your personal practices to stay grounded and welcoming of the shifts [...]

19 06, 2016

Bluebell Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine|

Keywords: Fairies, Magic, Humility, Gratitude, Faithfulness, Delicate, Dependable, Truth When You Connect with Bluebell it means: You are entering into a magical time of your life. Be aware and alert to hear the inner call of your heart and Soul that are leading you where you want to go. Use [...]

21 05, 2016

Wesak Full Moon

Musings, Teachings|

The first Full Moon in May is the Wesak (Vesak) Moon. A very powerful and auspicious day to make prayers. "Today is the holiest day of the Buddhist year. On the full moon of May the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and died, passing into nirvana. Because of the immense [...]

11 05, 2016

Dandelion Spirit Medicine

Plant Medicine, Teachings|

Keywords: Childhood, Sun, Lion, Wishes, Perseverance, Cheeriness, Strength, Unappreciated, Misunderstood, Medicine When You Connect with Dandelion it means: You have the strength and determination to get through any blocks or challenges that arise. Utilize all of your tools and practices in order to more fully embody your gifts and bring [...]

7 05, 2016

Robin Medicine

Animal Medicine|

After the yard guys mowed my yard the other day, I looked out the window and wondered why they had left a small strip of it un-mowed.  It was very obvious and quite high compared to the newly mowed grass.  Then I remembered. A week or two before I had [...]


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